KARANEKO - Grupos de


Esse grupo faz parte da categoria . Que tal conferir outros grupos da mesma categoria? Sempre que vocรช entrar em um grupo, leia as regras para nรฃo ser removido. Aqui nessa pรกgina vocรช vai poder entrar no seu grupo e se divertir. Ou atรฉ mesmo fazer novos amigos virtuais e reais! No nosso site vocรช pode encontrar mais de 100 grupos na categoria .

Descriรงรฃo do Grupo de :

Official discord server of KARANEKO (Undertale, Omori inspired Bullet Hell RPG) Soon on Kickstarter Karaneko is a Bullet Hell RPG. Your choices made within the game will completely change the type of story you'll experience and how it all will play out. On your adventure to find what you're looking for, would you like to explore the history of fascinating environments and unravel their secrets? Perhaps you would rather have close friends or maybe you just want to headbutt anyone you see to test your strength. It's up to you really. But if you would ask me, instead of idling around with boring stuff. We could solve some unattended business from the past. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

Regras do Grupo para :

Official discord server of KARANEKO (Undertale, Omori inspired Bullet Hell RPG) Soon on Kickstarter Karaneko is a Bullet Hell RPG. Your choices made within the game will completely change the type of story you'll experience and how it all will play out. On your adventure to find what you're looking for, would you like to explore the history of fascinating environments and unravel their secrets? Perhaps you would rather have close friends or maybe you just want to headbutt anyone you see to test your strength. It's up to you really. But if you would ask me, instead of idling around with boring stuff. We could solve some unattended business from the past. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?


Vocรช pode participar do grupo KARANEKO clicando no botรฃo abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que nรฃo monitoramos os grupos, entรฃo nรฃo podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serรฃo cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.